Hi Everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day and were able to spend some time outdoors with the gorgeous weather we have had. This week we are learning all about Summer.
Here is a message from Miss Kathryn: https://vimeo.com/422813518
Miss Veronica wanted to share some songs with you this week … enjoy Mr Sun: https://vimeo.com/422813635 and Summer’s Here: https://vimeo.com/422813698
Miss Morgen wanted to share a book called Let’s Go Froggy: https://vimeo.com/422813779
Gross Motor Summer Activity: Here’s a fun gross motor movement game. Click the image of the beachball on the page linked below and you can print out the Activity Cards. Let your child pick a card and do the action described. https://www.giftofcuriosity.com/product/summer-gross-motor-movement-game/

A fun summer-themed Kids in the Kitchen activity can be making this super-cute sunshine snack. What else can you make sunshine snacks from?

Summer Art Project: Save your popsicle sticks … use them for this super cute art project:

App of the Week – Weather and Seasons Cards: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=weather.kids.edu This language app teaches children about weather and seasons.