Hello Everyone … this week we are learning all about a special author, Laura Numeroff. She writes many books, but the ones she is most well know for are the “If You Give a _______________ a _________________” series. Some of your teachers are going to share a few Laura Numeroff books with you.
Here’s a special message from Miss Jamie: https://vimeo.com/415182499
If You Give a Pig a Party is a book read by Miss Isabella this week: https://vimeo.com/415180834
Miss Kira wanted to share Chimps Don’t Wear Glasses: https://vimeo.com/415190073
Gross Motor Activity of the Week: Animal Movement Dice Game. Use the printable or make your own. As a family you can roll the dice and see what animal you get and how they should move. If you don’t have anything to use as large dice, you can just pick the slips out of a hat and it’s just as fun!
Author of the Week Art Activity: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Have children create this well-known mouse art project with 3 circles, 1 triangle, and 1 rectangle. Discuss shapes and colors as you work on the project. Adding a real straw and string whiskers can make this project extra fun!

Here’s a fun Kids Cooking Activity: Make Cupcakes, just like in the book If You Give a Cat a Cupcake. Use a box mix to make this easy. Kids love to help add ingredients and stir. They can count with you as you add ingredients as well. The most fun will be using frosting and toppings! https://nontoygifts.com/diy-cupcake-kit-for-kids/

App of the Week: Noggin Preschool learning game is offering a 60 day trial free, so you can play along with all of your favorite Nick Jr. characters. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nick.noggin&hl=en